274: How To Add Animoji & Bitmoji Stickers in iOS Messages

Mike Murphy
3 min readJan 14, 2019


Pin Multiple Stickers To iPhone Text Messages (😎)

Add Stickers to iOS Messages

Did you know you could pin multiple Animoji & Bitmoji Stickers to Messages as a Quick Reply or just for fun?

This Tutorial: How To Pin Animoji and Bitmoji Stickers as Tapback Quick Reply in iOS Messages (Texts). Stickers are delivered immediately and you can pin multiple stickers and delete them. Mix Animoji & Bitmoji stickers in conversation threads. For iOS only.


Animoji: Available on iPhone X only. Uses facial and voice recognition to animate characters in iOS. Link


Bitmoji: Create personal emojis of yourself. Send in Messages and any app. Link

How to Add Animoji & Bitmoji Stickers to Messages

iOS 10 or Later

Pre-Tutorial : Tapback Quick Reply

  • Double-click on any message box to get Tapback Options
  • This is similar to adding stickers so good to know feature
  • Tapback in Messages was released in iOS 10
  • Respond to messages with expressions
  • Expressions include: Heart, thumbs up/down, HaHa, Exclamation, Question Mark
  • Tapback expressions pin to Messages and are sent immediately
Tapback Expressions (Double-Tap)

1. How To Add & Remove Animoji Stickers (iPhone X only)

Add Animoji Stickers

To Add Animoji Stickers (Click & Drag):

  1. Open a Message Thread Conversation
  2. Click Monkey at bottom
  3. Select Animoji of choice
  4. Do not record video/audio
  5. Long press until Animoji lifts up a bit
  6. Drag and place on any message box
  7. Release
  8. Add as many as you want.

To Remove/Delete Animoji Stickers (Long-Press):

  1. Long-press on Sticker
  2. Menu pop up from the bottom
  3. Press ‘Sticker Details’
  4. Swipe left
  5. Press Delete

2. How To Add & Remove Bitmoji Stickers:

Pin Bitmoji Stickers

To Add Bitmoji Stickers (Click & Drag):

  1. Open a Message Thread Conversation
  2. Click Bitmoji icon at the bottom
  3. Search for Bitmoji of choice
  4. Click on Bitmoji
  5. Drag and place on any message box
  6. Release
  7. Add as many as you want.

To Remove Bitmoji Stickers (Long-Press):

  1. Long-press on Sticker
  2. Menu pop up from bottom
  3. Press ‘Sticker Details’
  4. Swipe left
How To Remove Stickers

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Mike Murphy

Podcast & Tech Handyman. I make tutorials and help people figure things out. Email: mike@mikemurphy.co