219: The Ask Mike Murphy Show

Mike Murphy
5 min readApr 14, 2018


Episode 136 of Mike Murphy Unplugged

Ep136: The Ask Mike Show

My Podcast on iTunes:

Mike Murphy Unplugged

Show Notes:
Episode 136: The Ask Mike Show

Summary of Episode 136:

I started a new livestream Q&A show, Ask Mike Murphy Live and this episode takes you behind the scenes of why and how I started it.

My new live-stream show on Facebook:
Ask Mike Murphy Live
Monday nights 9:00 pm EST

In the show:

  1. What is Ask Mike Murphy Live?
  2. What are my objectives for starting a live Q&A show?
  3. What steps did I take to create the live-stream show?
  4. What tools am I using to go live?
Promo Video for the Podcast (Made in After Effects)

The Backstory of Why:

I started Mike Murphy Unplugged in September of 2015 to give me a platform to teach, find my voice and document my journey of starting and online business. This podcast was started as much to help me figure things out as it was to help others.

My plan was to share everything I was doing to build a personal brand and online business so I could figure things out and inspire and teach people as I was doing it. #win-win

Practice & Teach to Get Good:
If you want to get good at something, you have to work hard and practice a lot. To get really good at something, teach what you know to others.

I was always learning new stuff, but once I started sharing them in the podcast and in articles and teaching, my knowledge and confidence in my abilities grew exponentially.

Comfort Zone:

For me, pushing myself out of my comfort zones means listening to your gut or that little voice that knows the right thing to do, but the self-doubt voice is stopping you.

Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is simply trusting your intuition and doing that thing you know you should, but are either too scared or unsure to take the chance. Taking the chance is leaving the comforts of your limiting mind.

I started this podcast to push me out of my comfort zone and I knew if I committed to a weekly podcast, it would get me in a rhythm of creating meaningful content and help me develop my teaching voice and style and establish myself as an authority in the podcasting and content creator space.

Blab Days:
I launched Mike Murphy Unplugged, on Friday September 25, 2015 and I had zero audience. On the next Monday I decided on a whim that I would start a live Q&A show on Blab.im (#ripblab) to gain exposure and establish my authority and help people figure things out.

What is Ask Mike Murphy Live?

What: It is simply version 2 of Open Mike Night that I started in 2015 and did every Monday Night for over a year.

When: Ask Mike Murphy will go live every Monday night at 9pm Eastern and answer questions or help people solve tech issues or give feedback on designs or videos or websites.

Where: Facebook to start. I will experiment with YouTube & Twitch eventually.

Note: mikemurphy.co/live will always take you to where I am going live.

Animation Made in Photoshop

What are my objectives or goals for starting a live Q&A show?

I love the Q&A format and nothing makes me happier than solving problems for people or giving tech or gear advice that I know is right for them and will help them.

My ultimate goals:
Reaching more people and building my community and audience and doing what I love, helping people figure things out.
Spreading awareness of business and brand
Business opportunities are always nice

What steps did I take to create the live-stream show?

How hard is it to start something like Ask Mike Murphy Live?

Are you thinking of starting a livestream show but not sure where to start or what you need to do?

Step 1: Commit & Pick a Time

The hardest part about starting Ask Mike Anything was committing to a time that I knew I could stick to. Monday nights at 9:00 pm seem to be good for me, so step 1 was mentally committing to showing up every Monday at 9. Just like I show up for this podcast every week.

Step 2. Create graphics and artwork

To the livestream on Facebook, Insta, Twitter, etc.

I suggest creating 3 sizes:
Wide 1920x1080 graphic to place over videos, etc.
Square (1080 x 1080) for Instagram
Vertical (1080 x 1920) for Instagram Stories

Adobe Photoshop CC
Canva.com (free design templates)
Unpslash.com (free photos)

Step 3: Make videos/animations to promote livestream (optional)

Tools: (Use any video tool)
Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro CC, Photoshop CC

Step 4. Marketing.

Start spreading the word. Post your graphics or simple animations telling people you are going live. Create some buzz even if you have no idea what you’re doing or if anyone will show up.

Do not get discouraged or give up if nobody shows up to your live stream. It happens. Do a show anyway and people can always watch the replay.

What tools am I using to go live?

ECamm Live ($39 w/ free trial)

eCamm Live

Logitech c920
Canon t5i DSLR (works natively with eCamm!)

Shure SM7b

Allen & Heath Zed10


Alternatives to eCamm Live:
BeLive.TV (web-based tool)…great option.
OBS Studio (open-source & free)
Wirecast by Telestream ($500+)

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Ask Mike Murphy is my new live Q&A show where people can ask me anything about podcasting, video, design, web, online business, and all things in between.

Office Hours are on Monday Nights from 9:00–10:00 pm Eastern Time (or until it’s over)

Mike Murphy LLC Page
YouTube Live or Twitch (future shows)

Default Livestream Link:

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➜See All My Gear: http://www.mikemurphy.co/podgear

➜ Get Adobe Creative Cloud: http://mikemurphy.co/adobe



Mike Murphy
Mike Murphy

Written by Mike Murphy

Podcast & Tech Handyman. I make tutorials and help people figure things out. Email: mike@mikemurphy.co

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